Monday 27 August 2012

Know Your Computer 2 (Outer Parts)

4) The Computer tower. This contains all of the important parts of the computer. It also have wires that connect to various parts of your system unit.


5) The Power Supply is a small square box that a cable is connected to the plug of your house to the computer.

 6) The Speakers are generally used to play sound. Some computers may have microphones in which you can speak and record your voice.

These parts are just the basic outer parts that you see  in front of you while you do your work on the computer.

Know Your Computer 1 (Outer Parts)

1) This is the monitor is also called the virtual display unit which its main purpose is to project data.

2) The keyboard is a device that uses keys to act as switches. It helps input instructions to the computer.

3) A mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons

Some Advantages and Disadvantages of using Computers

A user is defined as any person who utilizes the information given by a computer.


The main advantage of computers is that it made human lives much easier.

Computers improves business and the money making process.  I am sure you can think of a lot of ways in which a person can make an income using a computer. Think youtube, google adsence and facebook.

It increases the speed by which data is sent and received. (Communications)

Computers are very dependable for research.


When it comes to computers the main risk is strained eyes. Working for long periods of time on the computer can worsen your existing eye conditions. Some symptoms may include eye discomfort, headaches, itchy eyes and difficulty in focusing. It is important to rest the eyes while working on the computer.

Back, Neck and Shoulder Problems

Neck and shoulder pain and stiffness can occur from improper placement of the computer monitor,
mouse or document you are working from. If these items are not placed correctly, the muscles of your
neck and shoulders are constantly working to keep the head and arms in an awkward position. Phone use
while keying can also contribute to neck and shoulder pain from cradling the phone to your ear.

Reducing Risks for Back, Neck and Shoulder Problems:

Your line of vision should hit the top of the monitor, the mouse should be next to the
keyboard at the same height, and a document holder should be used to make sure paperwork
is at the same distance, angle and height as the monitor.

Arrange the computer equipment in a straight line so you are not twisting your back.

To reduce telephone related muscle stress, use the speaker function or purchase a headset.
A chair that does not provide support for the lower back, or lumbar, can cause back pain. If there
is no lumbar support, back muscles experience fatigue because they must do more work to keep the body
in an upright position. An unsuitable chair also adds to poor posture, such as slouching, that puts pressure
on the spine.
Get a good chair that is adjustable and allows the user to move the seat pan up and down, the
arm rests in and out and the seat back forward and back. Chairs should be adjusted so the feet
can be placed squarely on the ground or a footrest. Chairs should also come in a few different
sizes to best fit the user.

Many people who use computers for prolonged periods of time complain of eyestrain, eye fatigue,
eye irritation and blurred vision. Fortunately, correcting these problems can be relatively easy and

Helpful Hints:

To reduce glare, tilt the screen down slightly so that that overhead lighting does not hit the
screen. Place monitors at right angles to windows so glare does not hit the screen or the user’s
eyes. Use blinds or curtains for controlling sunlight glare. Reduce room lighting to half-normal
office levels and use task lighting for paper work and other tasks. Try these methods before
relying on glare screens, as they are dust collectors and require continuous cleaning.

If there is flicker, or small and illegible characters, make sure the computer is operating
properly and that the screen and characters are big enough to read comfortably. Prolonged,
intense viewing of the monitor can also cause flickering sensations.
 Take breaks by looking away from the screen for ten seconds; make phone calls or do other
work and give your eyes a rest.

Dryness and irritation are also common complaints. Keep computers and desk areas clean to
keep dust levels down and help reduce eye irritation. Don’t forget to blink when working at a
computer. Eyes need lubrication and with computer work, especially in a dry workplace,
blinking is especially important, as is drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Wearing
contact lenses can aggravate the problem.


Sunday 26 August 2012

A Hardware Crash Course

 What is a computer ?

A computer is an electronic device that executes operations and stores data in its own memory. Computers execute processes by instructions given.

This is a short and simple crash course about computers. It would not make you an instant genius but it will 
let you understand the basics. The computers we have in front of us has four basic functions.

1) Input
2) Processing
3) Storage
4) Output.

Each computer from the most complex systems to the very basic are connected to these four functions.

Now lets break these down for you.

1) Input.

Can be defined as a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device.
The keyboard is a device that gets information to a computer. ( You have to type the thing.)

Another input device is the mouse. 

Here are a list of some input devices.

      1)  Cameras
       2) Video Capture Hardware
       3)  Barcode reader
       4) Digital camera
       5) Joystick
       6)  Keyboard
       7) Microphone
       8) MIDI keyboard
       9) Mouse (pointing device)
       10)  Scanner
       11) Webcam
       12) Microphone

2) Processing

We normally put information into the computer and took it out it that is called processing. This takes part in the processor. The basic processor is the Central Processing Unit or (CPU) for short. This is  the brain of your computer . The hardware that carries out the instructions of a certain program and executes it.

 3) Storage

Computer storage devices are devices that holds data . The hard drive is the main storage device. Other storage devices are like flash dives and Cd's . In older years we had the floppy disk but the storage in this device was very limited.

4) Output

An out device is any piece of computer hardware  equipment used to communicate the results of data processing  carried out by a computer which converts the electronically generated information into human-readable form.

  1. Monitor
  2. Printers (all types)
  3. Plotters
  4. Projector
  5. LCD Projection Panels
  6. Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
  7. Speaker(s)

Welcome To The New Blog

Firstly thank you for visiting my new blog.

Whats this thing about now ?

Well for starters computers are all over the place and we use them almost every day of our lives. Many of us use different types of computers. They are the basic means of communications for alot of people so I wanted you to have the basic skillset about computers.

My blog will not make you an expert but it will give you the basic tips you need to improve your knowledge.

I believe that information should be spread not sold. What should be sold is  the application of that knowledge. This blog is open to the public for all those who are interested .

Thank you all for visiting my posts .